After the surgery, the specialist told us everything looked good, but we had to wait for the biopsies of the nodes to be 100% sure he wouldn't need any further treatment.
In the meantime, Lorne healed up very quickly and pushed himself to get out and mow the lawn (it's a small lawn) a week later. He even did a bit of gardening, even though he's still sore. We thought he'd been blessed with a quick recovery.
Thursday evening, the doctor phoned with dreaded news - they found two malignant spots in the nodes from about twenty they checked. Therefore, Lorne is going to need chemotherapy. It didn't take me long to fall apart. On Friday, I was physically ill and by Sunday, I couldn't even get out of bed because of terrible nausea.Monday, Lorne had another CT scan and saw his GP who said he was amazed as his quick recovery! Today he is seeing the oncologist to discuss his tr

I know it's Lorne's journey, so-to-speak, but I have my own journey to take along with him. And I quickly realized that I need help, too. It seems a faucet has grown just above my eyes and it's constantly leaking! So, I went to the Delta Hospice Center to request counseling for myself. I need to know how to deal with my own emotions while at the same time, be supportive of Lorne and his fears.
Let's hope and pray that Lorne's treatment will be quick and that he'll be given a prognosis for a long life to come.
I do so hope you both find the help you need, though in different ways.
You're right to look for the help you need.
Something like this is huge to deal with. Take care.
Of course you need help and are smart to seek that help! It is awful watching someone you love suffer in any way. My prayers are with you and Lorne!
I cannot believe he was out mowing the grass.. :-) how wonderful is that!
You all need help, and in different ways.. I cannot believe how quickly you got help.. I don't think it happens like that in the UK.. take care and love to both of you.
You both have a long journey ahead. And as with any journey, there will be hills, valleys, bumpy roads ... but you will both get through it, and you will be stronger afterwards.
Most Cancer Agencies have counselling services for families. Check out the BCCA Website and perhaps phone them. Lorne is going to need you to be strong, because it will get worse before it gets better, unfortunately. But, it will get better.
It's good that you've QUICKLY realized that it's also about YOU, even if you are not the sick one.
Getting help is vital. Best wishes to both of you.
I'm so glad you're seeking help, too, this is such a terribly stressful time for you both! I'm just glad that you recognized that you, too, need support during a time like this. I'm holding good thoughts for you both. Take care.
Leslie, I am praying for both of you as you go through this stressful time. As everyone else has said seeking help is healthy. Wish I could give you a hug in person. ((hugs))
When someone we love suffers, we also suffer. Prayers are going out to both of you.
I hope everything will be okay for Lorne. And good thing to go out and find help for yourself as well.
What I gonna say is I pray for both of you. ^_^
ABC Wednesday~Q
I love how you are approaching all of this. You are a strong person to know that this is HIS journey and that you are walking beside. It is awesome that you are seeking help for yourself as well.
Prayers for both you and Lorne....
So sorry to hear the cancer had spread, but it does sound as if the doctors are indeed being very quick about treating him properly. Sending many good thoughts to you both. Hang in there!
I'm glad you realize you need help as well - it will give you insight and help ease the bumps on your journey. Both you and Lorne are in my thoughts and prayers.
Leslie - thank heavens the doctors are quick! They seem to be right on top of things.
I amso glad you are taking care of YOU! Seeking assistance will really help you.
I will continue to keep you both in my prayers. I really do believe in the positive power of prayer.
Both of you have a long journey ahead together, take good care of yourself first before you can take care of the other .
Let's hope for a quick end to all your problems and a return to Quality life!
My thought and prayers are with you and Lorne, I hope you get the help you both need to get through this quagmire.
I hope his quick recovery will remain a permanent recovery.
I am thinking of you as there is colon cancer in my in law's family.
Was reading your profile, and I hope you will publish your book. Met with a New Zealand famous children's writer together.
Lorne seems to be on the fast track to being cured.
You take care of you.
Mine is here
Happy Sensational Wednesday!
That's quite a story, I wish you the best.
Leslie -
You definitely are doing the right thing going to hospice for counseling. I am a big fan of hospice. They know their stuff and can help you - and Lorne, if he decides he needs help.
You are both in my prayers. Tears are cleansing, my friend.
Peace - D
Prayers and best thought for both of you.
Quick is the quintessential q-word! I'm with you in hoping and praying for a quick recovery. Get all the help you can.
Best wishes,
The "quick" picture looks very creative !
Oh Leslie - I'm so sorry you've had this news. No wonder you feel desolate and ill but you will get through this, both of you. Take time for yourself and keep well.
I'll be praying for both of you. Take care.
Liz @ MLC
Leslie, I haven't been around for some time and am saddened to hear of the developments with Lorne.
I do want to tell you that my MIL went through the treatment (chemo) several years ago and she is doing wonderfully well right now. The chemo is a bugger, but that shouldn't be a surprise. It sounds as though Lorne heals quickly and has a good attitude. Half the battle will be fought that way. My thoughts are with you.
Good luck to you two...
Your photo represents my life perfectly! A blur. Thank you for sharing your family's struggle with cancer. A friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer last week.
OH Leslie...what news....but good for you for recognizing how this is affecting you and realizing that in order to be able to support Lorne in his journey you need to be strong as well.
Stay well my friend...and I hope Lorne does well with his Chemo.....
Hugs to you!!!
Absolutely, leslie.
You have to stay strong for Lorne and to do that you need support. you're wise to seek it.
I remember the day I walked out of the hospital in tears - but because Mike had been given the all-clear. Your day of good tears will come too.
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