The word spectrum implies a broad range of conditions or behaviors grouped together with a unifying theme between extremes at either end.
Today I'd like to take a look at men from slobs to suits.

A slob is a person regarded as slovenly, crude, or obnoxious. A slob can also be sloppy, coarse, gross, and slurps his food and drinks. A slob could be someone who doesn't take any pride in his appearance by being unkempt, dirty, doesn't bother to shave, and/or wears dirty clothes. A slob could also be someone who swears a lot, tells shameful stories or jokes, or is generally simply annoying.
A suit is regarded as someone who is thought of as looking professional, whether in formal or informal terms. In other words, a "suit" cares about his appearance, is clean, tidy, and cares about his personal grooming. This would include showering, shaving, and ensuring that nose hairs and finger nails are trimmed. In short, he respects himself and everyone who sees him.
"Slobs" and "Suits" are two ends of the spectrum and naturally, there are all sorts of men who fit somewhere in between. And of course there are situations where one might appear a bit slobbish for a time (e.g. camping out in the wild). Personally, I prefer the half that tends towards the suit, and I'm sure most women would agree with me.
Men seem to be turned on visually by women. However, they often fail to realize that women get turned off if what they see is not visually appealing. I may be simply speculating here.
Of course, slobs and suits can be related to women, as well. But what I'm trying to say is that we should all take a good long look in the mirror every once in a while and ask ourselves, "Am I a slob? Or am I a suit?"
Which do you prefer?

Oh, Lord, save me from the slob!!! What a fun, laugh-out-loud post, Leslie!! Just what I needed on this gray afternoon! Too funny -- or maybe too true! Whatever, I loved it! Hope the rest of your week goes well!
Oh! I just LOVE Mr. Clooney... That slob is pretty cute too! Thanks for making me smile!
If George would turn out to be the über slob, I probably would still like him...
Too funny Leslie.
What a choice...of course Geo. Clooney gets my vote.
Today I have to admit I am rather slobbish. Its cold, going to rain and my nose is drippy...guess I don't need to go any further. (:0)
What a great post! Loved your choice for today!
It is true though - we need to check the mirror adn put our best foot forward!
Hope you had a good long weekend!
I don't want a slob.....but I have never been too fond of George Clooney either! I guess he's just not my type...:)
A "suit" is also a pejorative term for corporate bureaucrats. So the slob isn't so unappealing - OK he is, but the suit isn't necessarily better.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Hilarious! Or not. Depending on whether... Oh, well, never mind. :) Good post!
I'm with the suits - slobs are repugnant. Great post :-)
Thoughtful and funny article Leslie, little more to add really.
I don't like 'slobby' men, Imuch prefer a wellgroomed man be it casual or 'suited and booted!
OH Leslie...my hubby fits both of those perfectly...there are days he is just a "slob" hasn't shaven in days and burps after his beer, and hten there are days when he cleans up very nicely, is polite and thoughtful....so I think there is a bit of both in most men....well that is just my opinion....
Great post....and yes George hands down!!!!
>>...we should all take a good long look in the mirror every once in a while and ask ourselves, "Am I a slob? Or am I a suit?" <<
Or am I one at one time, and in one place, and the other at a different time and place?
Of course, George wins!
Spectrum-what an excellent choice! A dear friend of mine who passed away from cancer last year was very much so into spectrum-in the spiritual/new Age sense.
I eye was never turned by a suit, in fact we had a joke at work about "snakes in suits" prowling the dating scene. Now give me a guy in jeans or cargo pants, a t-shirt and a hat and I'm all over that. - Margy
Not too suited but I'd have George Clooney any which way!
Not too suited but I'd have George Clooney any which way!
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