But speaking of schmoozing (which means conversing casually to make a social connection), today two different men have made connections with me through Match.com - both from very far away. But what the heck, one looks like George Clooney and the other one has a body like Beckham! Both are a bit younger than me, but I think I look pretty good for my age. So this has raised my spirits very nicely, so I think I'll go see if I can find the GC look-a-like on line to chat. Wish me luck - just for fun....
Leslie, I showed the picture you e-mailed me to one of my co-workers, and I said, "Who is that a picture of?" and she said, "Well, it's George Clooney, of course..." Ha!
hi leslie, hopefully, he won't be like george clooney in the love dept since george goes from woman-to-woman-to-woman. maybe since george's pig died, he may want a permanent woman now. keeps us posted on your love interest.
good luck, hope you have fun, and yeah, keep us posted.
"Velly Intelesting"! Analytical squirrels want to know why you chose the George Clooney type over the Beckham type. Hmmmmm.
Also, curious squirrels want to know how sylvia knew about George's pig passing away. I didn't even know he had a pig. It's almost too much info. LoL.
Have a wonderful time schmoozing!
LGS - haven't chosen anyone, yet! ;D "George" and I chatted online quite a while last night and I discovered an email from him this morning. "Beckham" and I are still "winking" at each other. It's all just fun flirtation.
LGS, you've been in the tree too long. *lol* everyone knew about george's pig. well, almost everyone since you didn't. it was big t.v. news here when his pig died. i'm trying to remember the pig's name, but it escapes me at the moment.
You're right, Sylvia, he did have a pig and it died recently. But, boy wouldn't I just love to have a date with him - at his digs in Lake Como, Italy!!!
The pig's name was *Max*....it was 16 yrs old I think, pretty reasonable age for a pig anyway, died the same time my pet sheep *Sam* died, around xmas-see?
George is just gorgeous, I have a crush on him, sounds like your having some fun anyway Leslie :)
Leslie...I used Match.com...that was fun....I met my hubby from an online date....best connection I ever made......it does perk your spirits when members of the oppisite sex still find you attractive.....have fun with it...and good luck....
I have a thirty year old friend who is on Match.com. Just last night she was saying how awful it made her feel. She'd winked at a couple of guys, but got no winks back. Any response comes from "older" (it's all relative) men. I won't tell her that there are older woman getting winked at by younger men. Must be fun. I wonder if my husband would mind if I tried match,com just to see. Kidding! Only kidding. Still . . . :>)
Find a GC for me also...lol. Just love that man.
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