Anyway, in honour of our infrequent snowfalls, here are some thoughts:
1. Free snow. Shovel all you want!
2. Free Snowmen. Some assembly required.
3. Life is like a blanket of snow. Be careful how you step on it. Every step will show!
4. Snowflakes are kisses sent from heaven.
5. A snowman is the perfect man. He's very well rounded and comes with his own broom.
6.Take time to chase the snowflakes.
7. Home is where the snow falls.
8. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. . . somewhere else!
9. The great thing about snow is it makes your lawn look as good as your neighbours.
10. Snow happens.
For those of you who enjoy the snow, have fun making snowmen, having snowball fights, sledding, skiing or whatever else you do in this cold wet mess. Cheers!
"A snowman is the perfect man. He's very well rounded and comes with his own broom."
Leslie, that's too funny.
The snow is beautiful, though, isn't it? A perfect day to stay indoors.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
We're sure getting lots here Leslie. It started this morning and it's still coming down - the dog loves it though. But I did get my Christmas decorations up - inside not out. Now for a cup of hot chocolate and a good book...
It's coming down in great huge flakes right now and sticking! But the temp is supposed to suddenly rise and go up to low teens by tomorrow. That could cause some flooding, though. Sure hope the snow at least stops by the morning as I have to take my daughter to the doctor on my way to exercise class. Fingers crossed.
What is with this snow so early in the season? It's supposed to be global warming for heaven's sake! Grumble, grumble.
Love no. 5! I think it has only snowed once within living memory here. I do miss snow, but only to look at from indoors!
We got our first snow, but I hate to say it . . . it was ugly and wet and mushy. Not the fluffy flakes that should usher in the season.
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