I started back tutoring mid-February as I was able to sit up on a straight-backed chair for a while, although it did leave me pretty exhausted. But by the time I was allowed to take the brace off at the beginning of April, my stamina had improved.
It was wonderful to see the sun come back in the springtime so we could spend time outside getting the garden in shape. You might recall the mighty crop of tomatoes we had and how I made green tomato pickle relish from the ones that wouldn't ripen. We're still enjoying that relish now. Our fuschias flourished and they're still hanging there so that the birds can perch on the frozen branches as they hop onto the feeder we got. I've never had a bird feeder before but I must say it's fascinating to watch some of them peck away while other birds are on the ground below scavenging the seeds that have fallen or been dropped.

The fall started off with a bit of a downturn as Lorne was replaced in his job (no fault of his own) but it was upsetting to say the least. However, we stayed firm in our belief that something better would come along, and it did. He's now with an international security company that has the contract for the 2010 Winter Olympics here in Vancouver and has been given the ultimate venue! He'll be in charge of the security for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies at BC Place Stadium plus the hockey games at nearby Canada Place. Lorne started "boot camp" at the beginning of December and will continue until after the Paralympics are over. There are several opportunities for him to continue with this company and we're both hoping that we might be involved in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, England and/or the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland. His expertise is in event management/security and mine is in the training field. 

Christmas was a bit different this year in that it was the first time I wasn't with my two daughters on Christmas Day. However, it turned out to be okay since I had my older daughter and the two grandchildren over Christmas Eve for dinner and opening gifts. Then Christmas morning my younger daughter came to open stockings and gifts and had brunch with us. Then Lorne and I went to his extended family for dinner and we had a very nice time. We were home early enough to relax while watching a couple of episodes of "Band of Brothers," which he gave me for Christmas. That wasn't all, though. He gave me a beautiful necklace and matching earrings made of hammered gold and amethysts. I just love it! He loves his new camera that I gave him - a slim one that he can have in his pocket and take lots of Olympic photos.
As he's working tonight, I'm going to my friend's place to celebrate. She always has a nice group of people over and we fill up on appetizers and wine before another friend pops open the champagne she always brings. We toast the new year as we watch the ball drop in New York's Time Square (always delayed, of course, as they're 3 hours ahead of us).

2010 is going to be a very special year for us. Our wedding is planned for September 25th and we're so excited that our friends (old and new) are thrilled for us and want to share in that special day. I'm hoping to go to a bridal fair with a girlfriend whose daughter is getting married in July. My daughter and my friend who's going to stand up for me will come, too. It might be a bit weird at my age, but heck there are lots of prizes to be won, so why not me? I'll be busy tutoring again but I'll also be planning the big day by interviewing photographers, DJs, bakers, etc. and getting "The Dress" made.
My wish for everyone is that 2010 might be the best year yet in health and happiness. And I am going to resolve to try to meet some of my great blogging friends this year.

Happy New Year Friends!